August 2023
August 2023
A review of the details as well as interesting information and background exploring this unique North Korean propaganda poster further in depth. For purchases click here.
Propaganda posters from this series are available as prints for purchase.
Email us on quoting the propaganda poster number to purchase.
물고기가공에서 일대 혁명적전환을 일으키자!
바다소고기, 물고기가루, 영양우유, 고기떡, 식혜, 명란젖, 창란젖,알밥, 명태간장, 말린명태
조선로동당출판사 평양종합인쇄공장인쇄
November 1981.
In the 1980s, under the implementation of the Party’s policy on developing the fish processing industry, fish processing factories were constructed to supplement the diet of the population.
This policy included the construction of refrigerated transport ships (such as the “Bonghua Mountain” and “Chongbong”) to fishing vessels weighing over 1000 tons, all equipped with fish processing facilities which operated whilst at sea.
Korean Translation:
1980년대 물고기가공사업을 발전시킬데 대한 당의 방침관철하에 여러지방에 물고기가공공장들이 일떠섰고 인민들의 식생활개선에 결정적기여를 하였다.
함경북도에는 현대적인 물고기가공 설비들을 갖춘 《칠보산》호, 《룡남산》호, 《성천강》호를 비롯한 만톤 급 이상의 대형가공 모선들과 《봉화산》호, 《청봉》호 등 랭장운반선을 비롯하여 1,000톤 급 이상의 작업선들에 이르기까지 랭동, 랭장 설비들이 꾸려져 바다 우에서도 물고기가공이 대대적으로 진행되고 있다.
Note: Propaganda is crafted across various studios throughout North Korea. The most renowned manifestation of this is in propaganda posters. In response to the fascination and interest expressed by visitors who accompanied us on Koryo Tours, we have produced meticulously hand-painted replicas of existing posters. We also aim to display originals here for those with an artistic or academic interest. The original propaganda posters are part of the Koryo Studio Collection and are not for sale. Please note that the original propaganda posters were created prior to 2015 and have no affiliation whatsoever with any officially sanctioned entity or artist.