July 2023
July 2023
A review of the details as well as interesting information and background exploring this unique North Korean propaganda poster further in depth. For purchases click here.
Propaganda posters from this series are available as prints for purchase.
Email us on info@koryostudio.com quoting the propaganda poster number to purchase.
우리나라 사회주의농촌문제에 관한 테제완성에로!
농촌데제완성,사상혁명 기술혁명 문화혁명.
조선로동당출판사 평양종합인쇄공장인쇄.
December 1988.
North Korean leader Kim Il Sung published “Theme on Socialist Rural Issues in DPRK” on May 25, 1964
According to a North Korean tour guide of ours the book “comprehensively elucidated for the first time in history the essence of socialist rural issues and the basic principles for solving them”. This, as well as the basic tasks and approaches for rural construction- sounds just right for a cosy night time read.
In a nutshell his guidance to rural managers, this theme reflected the Chongsan-ri spirit and the Chongsan-ri method. This is a method of agricultural guidance which enabled the Military Cooperative Farm Management Committee to establish a system of guiding cooperative farms through enterprise methods and scientific technology.
Korean Translation;
위대한 수령 김일성동지께서 1964.2.25 발표하신 《우리나라 사회주의농촌문제에 관한 테제》에서 력사상 처음으로 시회주의농촌문제의 본질과 그해결의 기본원칙,농촌건설의 기본과업과 방도를 전면적으로 밝히시였다.
테제는 농촌경리에 대한 지도에서 청산리정신, 청산리방법이 구현되고 군협동농장경영위원회가 협동농장들을 기업적 방법으로, 과학기술적으로 지도하는 체계가 확립되도록 하는데서 커다란 전진이 이룩되게 하였다.
Note: Propaganda is crafted across various studios throughout North Korea. The most renowned manifestation of this is in propaganda posters. In response to the fascination and interest expressed by visitors who accompanied us on Koryo Tours, we have produced meticulously hand-painted replicas of existing posters. We also aim to display originals here for those with an artistic or academic interest. The original propaganda posters are part of the Koryo Studio Collection and are not for sale. Please note that the original propaganda posters were created prior to 2015 and have no affiliation whatsoever with any officially sanctioned entity or artist.