August 2023
August 2023
A review of the details as well as interesting information and background exploring this unique North Korean propaganda poster further in depth. For purchases click here.
Propaganda posters from this series are available as prints for purchase.
Email us on quoting the propaganda poster number to purchase.
다수확품종을 더많이 육종하자!
종자혁명은 다수확의 열쇠
The purpose of the seed revolution is to obtain new seeds that can be well tolerated and high-yielding under any natural climate conditions.
Agricultural crops with high yield, safety, strong disease resistance and short growth period can also be cultivated under the physical geography characteristics of DPRK with limited arable land area and adverse weather conditions.
The poster celebrates the party’s policy of seed revolution…it is clearly something that grows on you… excuse the pun.
Korean Translation:
종자혁명이란 어떤 자연기후 조건에서도 잘 견디며 높은 소출을 내는 새로운 종자를 얻어내기 위한 일이다.
경지면적이 제한된 우리 나라의 자연지리적특성과 불리한 날씨조건에서도 높고 안전한 소출을 낼수 있으며 병해충 견딜성이 강하고 생육기일이 짧은 다수확품종의 농작물들을 육종재배하는것은 농사에서 종자가 기본이라는 우리 당의 종자혁명방침이다.
Note: Propaganda is crafted across various studios throughout North Korea. The most renowned manifestation of this is in propaganda posters. In response to the fascination and interest expressed by visitors who accompanied us on Koryo Tours, we have produced meticulously hand-painted replicas of existing posters. We also aim to display originals here for those with an artistic or academic interest. The original propaganda posters are part of the Koryo Studio Collection and are not for sale. Please note that the original propaganda posters were created prior to 2015 and have no affiliation whatsoever with any officially sanctioned entity or artist.