August 2023
August 2023
A review of the details as well as interesting information and background exploring this unique North Korean propaganda poster further in depth. For purchases click here.
Propaganda posters from this series are available as prints for purchase.
Email us on quoting the propaganda poster number to purchase.
농촌에 비료와 농약을 원만히 보장해주자!
농약, 비료.
Quoted from a North Korean text; In order to solve the technological problem of achieving the chemical transformation of rural managers, multiple research institutions have been established.
This includes the Agricultural Science Research Institute.
There, they develop various chemical fertilisers and trace element fertilisers suitable for the characteristics of soil and crops, to improve their qualitative composition and increase their efficacy, study the growth and fruition of crops by chemical stimulants, control methods, manufacture of herbicides, insecticides, fungicides, etc. This as you can imagine was from a Korean translation, By the looks of it the worker has also been chewing away on the fertiliser, you don’t get to carry drums of fertiliser that big without some serious trace elements.
Korean Translation:
농촌경리의 화학화를 실현하는데서 나서는 과학기술적문제들을 해결하기위하여 여러곳에 과학연구기관. 농업과학연구원이 창립되었다. 그곳에서 토양과 작물의 특성에 맞는 여러 가지 화학비료와 미량원소비료들을 개발하여 그의 질적구성을 개선하고 효능을 높이기 위한 방도, 화학자극제에 의한 농작물의 성장과 결실, 조절방도, 내부원료원천에 의한 살초제, 살충제, 살균제 등의 제조와 효과적인 사용방법 등을 연구한다.
Note: Propaganda is crafted across various studios throughout North Korea. The most renowned manifestation of this is in propaganda posters. In response to the fascination and interest expressed by visitors who accompanied us on Koryo Tours, we have produced meticulously hand-painted replicas of existing posters. We also aim to display originals here for those with an artistic or academic interest. The original propaganda posters are part of the Koryo Studio Collection and are not for sale. Please note that the original propaganda posters were created prior to 2015 and have no affiliation whatsoever with any officially sanctioned entity or artist.