July 2023
July 2023
Title: Let’s pass in all the sports activities! // 모든종목에 합격하자!
Banners: September – October are the months for assessing people’s physical fitness. // 9-10월은 인민체력검정월간이다.
Artist: Kye Sang Hua // 계상화
Other: Korean Workers’ Party Press, Pyongyang Comprehensive Printing Factory; “발행 조선로동당출판사 인쇄 평양종합인쇄공장”
Year: August 1982
In a track and field competition to pass the people’s physical fitness assessment, a worker breaks through the winning tape. The artist, Kye Sang Hua, emphasises this by having him also slice through the slogan.
Various workers are running, doing the shot-put, pull-ups, the horizontal bar, and the high jump.
A troop of the Worker-Peasant Red Guards (volunteers who make up a home guard/militia) are cutting across the scene at a quick march pace.
The smoking industrial background and cityscape emphasise that a healthy workforce is needed to keep the country’s industrial output running at pace.
인민체력검정에 합격하기위한 륙상경기에서 우승테프를 끊고들어오는 로동자.철봉과 너비뛰기를 하고있고 로농적위대원들이 집단달리기를 하고있다.
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