June 2021
June 2021
Title: Let’s All Pass the Physical Fitness Test! // 모두다 체력검정에 합격하자!
Banners: September – October are the months for assessing people’s physical fitness. // 9-10월은 인민체력검정월간이다.
Artist: Kye Sang Hua // 계상화
Other: Korean Workers’ Party Press, Pyongyang Comprehensive Printing Factory; “발행 조선로동당출판사 인쇄 평양종합인쇄공장”
Year: September 1981
The workers are conducting physical fitness assessments for various events such as athletics, group running, long jump, throwing, and horizontal bar suspension.
The artist Kye Sang Hua advanced the composition a year later.
Here we notice the factories billowing out smoke with more emphasis on the Worker-Peasant Red Guards and the runner bursting through the main slogan.
Of note is the rare use of yellow background and light blue text of the slogan for emphasis.
륙상, 집단달리기, 너비뛰기, 공던지기, 철봉매달리기 등 다양한 종목의 인민체력검정을 하고있다.
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