June 2021
June 2021
Title: Everyone is Qualified! // 모두다 합격하자!
Banners: September – October are the months for assessing people’s physical fitness. // 9-10월은 인민체력검정월간이다.
Artist: Kye Sang Hua // 계상화
Other: Korean Workers’ Party Press, Pyongyang Comprehensive Printing Factory; “발행 조선로동당출판사 인쇄 평양종합인쇄공장”
Year: September 1983
The artist Kye Sang Hua is ever inventive. He uses the stopwatch to create tension in the race.
The red slogan is also getting into the spirit by its angled composition.
Various sports events are going on behind the runners to emphasise that this is an event for one and all.
달리기경길를 하고있고 초시계를 손에 쥐고있다.뒤로 각종 종목의 경기를 하고있다.
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