June 2021
June 2021
Title: Republic Championship 1994 // 공화국선수권대회 1994.
Banners: N/A
Artist: Ro Sung Huan // 로승한
Other: N/A
Year: January 1994
The Republic Championship of the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea is a national comprehensive sports event held every September to October.
The event was initially set up in October 1972 and called the ‘Individual Sports Championships of the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea’. There is no age limit for the Republic Championship, and any athlete with a record that meets the required entry criteria for each event can participate.
Various activities are shown via the stylised graphics. You can decipher these yourself. But, there are a couple of tricky ones which we think represent hoop drill and boxing…
조선민주주의인민공화국의 공화국선수권대회는 전국규모의 종합체육대회로, 매년 가을(9∼10월)에 개최된다. 1972년 10월 “조선민주주의인민공화국 종목별 체육선수권대회”라는 명칭으로 시작되였다…
공화국선수권대회는 년령제한이 없으며 종목별로 정해진 참가기준에 해당하는 기록을 가진 선수들은 누구나 참가할수 있다.
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