June 2023
June 2023
Title: The Sixth People’s Sports Congress of the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea; “조선민주주의인민공화국제6차인민체육대회”.
Banners: N/A
Artist: Song Xi Yep; “송시엽”
Other: Korean Workers’ Party Press, Pyongyang Comprehensive Printing Factory; “발행 조선로동당출판사 인쇄 평양종합인쇄공장”
Year: January 1983
A veritable hunk of a man is jauntily winning the race, not a drop of sweat falling from his perfectly coiffured hairdo. In the stands, spectators are watching volleyball and football matches. The original stadium from 1924 was named the ‘Girimri Stadium’ but was largely destroyed in the Korean War.
The stadium is situated in an important location as it is on the site where on the 14th of October 1945, Kim Il Sung (with members of the Soviet military in attendance) gave his victory speech after the liberation of Pyongyang from the Japanese. It was rebuilt in 1969 and was known as ‘Moranbong Stadium’ (named after the nearby Moran Hill) but in 1982 it was renovated and called ‘Kim Il Sung Stadium‘.
The People’s Sports Congress is the largest comprehensive competition held in the Republic. It was first held in 1960 and since 1963 it has taken place every 5 years.
It aims to enhance the workforce, strengthen the collective cohesion of the socialist system, and discover sports athletes through the popularization of sports. More than 50 events, including ball games, and national defence sports (which includes the dubious sport of grenade throwing), are held, with popular folk events including wrestling.
륙상선수가 결승테프를 끊고있다.5.1경기장관람석에서 관중이 배구와 축구경기를 관람하고있다.인민체육대회는 공화국에서 5년 주기로 개최되는 최대의 종합경기대회이다.
1960년에 시작된 이 대회는 체육의 대중화를 통한 로동력제고, 사회주의체제의 집단결속력 강화, 체육선수발굴 등에 목적을 두고있다.구기종목, 민속경기, 국방체육 등 50여 종목이 진행되며, 인기 종목으로는 씨름이 있다.
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