Koryo Studio Collection
Ink Artworks
Over 200 North Korean ink artworks (chosunhwa) of theme paintings (juchehua) as well as portraiture and studies from the 1950s to the present.
Works in Ink | Portraits | Studies
On this page, we offer examples of some North Korean ink artworks in the Koryo Studio collection. The full collection has over 200 artworks in ink.
Kindly take note that the ink artworks displayed on this page are authentic works of art originating from North Korea. They form a significant part of the Koryo Studio collection, comprising original creations from North Korea that date back to the 1950s. Over a span of 30 years, the Koryo Studio collection has gathered a diverse range of North Korean artwork through active engagement. Consequently, these pieces are exclusively available for exhibition purposes or academic use and cannot be bought.
If your intention is to purchase North Korean ink artwork from Koryo Studio, we invite you to explore the dedicated section for original art pieces at Koryo Studio. This section offers a selection of prints, linocuts, and works in ink that can be purchased.
These artworks were specially commissioned by Koryo Studio and crafted by talented artists from North Korea.