Works in Oil
North Korean Oil Paintings

Over 200 North Korean oil paintings as well as portraiture and studies from the 1950s to the present.

These works are part of the Koryo Studio collection. They are not for sale, but for research purposes as well as lease for galleries and exhibitions.

If you wish to purchase North Korean art, please head to the ‘purchases‘ section on the website.

North Korean Oil Paintings

Below you will find a selection of artworks from the Koryo Studio collection of works in oil.

Click on the button on the right-hand side to see a larger collection.


The images below are a sample of Koryo Studio’s collection of portraits.


Below you can find a sample of artworks from the Koryo Studio collection under the category of ‘studies’.

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The Koryo Studio North Korean Art Collection is a unique collection of art collected over 30 years from the DPRK (Democratic People’s Republic of Korea). It features work dating back from North Korea in the 1950s. This work is not for sale but for exhibition and academic purposes only. For Koryo Studio’s original North Korean art for sale and other items for purchase including propaganda posters and Koryo Studio commissions, click here or select the ‘Artwork For Purchase‘ button to the right.

Further Collection Works