Printed in North Korea Book

The Art of Everyday Life in the DPRK.

The Printed in North Korea book is a collection of prints dating from the 1950s to the twenty-first century of State approved wood and linocut prints. It offers a rare glimpse into the country and the creativity behind the propaganda.

Printed in North Korea book cover

Publisher: Phaidon
Date: 2019

About Printed in North Korea Book


The project’s intention was not as an ‘art book’ but rather to tell anecdotes based on the imagery.

This was made possible together with specialists Koen de Ceuster, Simon Cockerell, and James Banfill. Their aim was for the linocuts to reveal elements of the lives of the country’s workers. For example, train conductors, steelworkers, weavers, farmers, scientists, and fishermen.

The prints are an unparalleled testament to the talent of North Korea’s artists and the unique social, cultural, and political conditions in which they work.

Printed in North Korea Book Sample
Printed in North Korea Book Sample

Available on Phaidon store.

North Korean Art Experts

Koryo Studio have a variety of publications as well as other works inside North Korea, including various art projects, commissions, and films.

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