Christmas Sale

Your chance to own a limited edition print taken from our collection of off-set lithograph North Korean posters, A3 size on art paper at our lowest price

Propaganda poster1
질좋은 담배를 더 많이 생산하자
Let’s produce more quality cigarettes

Kim Kwang Nam
240 gsm white matt Hahnemühle paper
ID: L029

PRICE: 60 euro

Propaganda poster3

Increase the efficiency of production

Year: 2015
Kim Kwang Nam
240 gsm white matt Hahnemühle paper

PRICE: 60 euro

Propaganda poster9

집집마다 돼지를 더 많이 가르자!
Let’s raise more pigs!

Year: 2015
Kim Kwang Nam
240 gsm white matt Hahnemühle paper

Propaganda poster2
로동과 조국 보위를 위하여!
For the protection of labour and our country!

Year: 2015
Kim Kwang Nam
240 gsm white matt Hahnemühle paper

PRICEL 60 euro

Propaganda poster4

National Sports Festival

Year: 2015
Kim Kwang Nam
240 gsm white matt Hahnemühle paper

Price 60 euro

Propaganda poster5

우리나라 사회주의제도 만세
Long live our socialist system

Year: 2015
Kim Kwang Nam
240 gsm white matt Hahnemühle paper

Price: 60 euro

Propaganda poster6
전투적 친선 단결
Combative unity

Year: 2015
Kim Kwang Nam
240 gsm white matt Hahnemühle paper

Price: 60 euro

Propaganda poster7

거리와 마을 살림집을 위생문화적으로!
Let’s tidy the streets and villages!

Year: 2015
Kim Kwang Nam
240 gsm white matt Hahnemühle paper

Price: 60 euro

Propaganda poster8

6th People’s Sports Festival

Year: 2015
Kim Kwang Nam
240 gsm white matt Hahnemühle paper

Propaganda poster10
미국 당장 물러가라!
Americans, get out of here right now!

Year: 2015
Kim Kwang Nam
240 gsm white matt Hahnemühle paper

Price: 60 euro

Propaganda poster11

훈련도 전투다
Training is also a battle

Year: 2015
Kim Kwang Nam
240 gsm white matt Hahnemühle paper

Price: 60 euro

Further Commissioned Works

Great Harvest of the Sea
Ship and port themed linocuts by artist Hwang In Jae