Koryo Studio Commission

Silence; A unique artwork particularly suited to the present era, when nurses and medical personnel hold a higher profile than ever before, and must be respected and obeyed.

North Korean Art review

Each Silence print is approximately A3 size (42 x 29.5cm with a 2 cm white border).
20 hand-painted versions (69.5 x 49.5 cm paper size plus  2cms white framing border) are also available.

The limited-edition prints of Silence are 120 euros (plus 25 euros for worldwide postage). The hand-painted pieces (created in 2011) are limited to 20 pieces only (one will remain in our collection) at a price of 800 euros + postage.
All works are stamped on the white border with our seal and dated.

North Korean Art review
North Korean Art review

This work was painted with a banner along the bottom which is intended as a simple instruction; forceful and precise. However, at the same time, it holds an alluring quality because of the inherent beauty and authority of the nurse.

Particularly in the soft way she is signalling silence.

The nurse is wearing a badge stating jong song (‘with care’).

Silence; Background

This image, commissioned by Koryo Studio, is based on the ‘SILENCE’ sign found on display in the Pyongyang Maternity Hospital. It was painted in 2011.

The North Korean artist we commissioned used his pen name Kim Yong as it was his interpretation of another artist’s work.

We could not track down the original artist. Indeed, they are likely to have come from the graphics department responsible for propaganda work and performance charts at the hospital.

Silence; More Info

The demand for silence can be seen as one for secrecy and to keep certain things hidden or unsaid.

Of course, as with any artwork, various meanings can be read into it. Indeed, this ambiguity, mixed with direct instruction, was what intrigued us when we first came across the original piece in the Pyongyang Maternity Hospital.

Silence; See More Details

We have a limited edition of 100 pieces available for sale at just 120 euros (plus 25e for worldwide postage and packaging).
20 hand-painted pieces are priced at 800 euro (less than 4 left).

TO ORDER your copy contact

Artworks featured in Commissions are available for sale. Please inquire with us about availability.

Koryo Studio Printing Process

We use specialist art printers. The original gouache poster is flat bed scanned at high resolution.

Individual prints are produced on a state-of-the-art Epson giclée printer.

The paper is 240 gsm white matt Hahnemühle paper.

Koryo Studio

Email for enquiries & purchases.

Koryo Studio Collection | Purchase North Korean Art

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